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lunes, 3 de julio de 2023

El amigo de Yahvé está disparándole a la muerte.

 El tridente de San Gabriel, el fiel testigo de Yahvé en "Sodoma", "Egipto" y "Babilonia".

 La virgen justa al Diablo no le creerá. La virgen de la reversión de la caída en el pecado original.

 Jehovah is the Father of Jesus + Jehová es el Padre de Jesús

I do what they would do (Revelation 12:7), I fight against the false testimonies against God, and the Bible includes those false testimonies, that's why Revelation 12:9 says what it says: the Bible is part of that world deception. With these words: Revelation 22:18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will bring upon him the plagues that are written in this book. 19 And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the book of life, and from the holy city and from the things that are written in this book. John was not referring to the Bible, the Bible did not exist, John was referring to the true gospel that consisted of cursing enemies, not blessing them as the lie states in Matthew 5:38-48, precisely for this reason he curses to those whom he knew would adulterate the words even of the book of that book that he wrote, however no lie is solid, no saint died feeling love for their enemies who murdered them, this passage evidences it: Revelation 6:10 And They cried out loud, saying: How long, Lord, Holy and True, do you not judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on earth? God is also vengeful, and that passage makes it clear: Revelation 16:5 And I heard the angel of the waters saying, You are just, O Lord, who art and was, the Holy One, because you have judged these things. . 6 Because they shed the blood of saints and prophets, you have also given them blood to drink; well they deserve it. 7 I also heard another, who from the altar said: Indeed, Lord God Almighty, your judgments are true and just. Love for enemies based on a God who loves his enemies is part of the Roman lies in the gospel.

With these words: Galatians 1:6-8 But if even we, or an angel from heaven, announce to you another gospel different from the one we have announced to you, be anathema. Saint Paul was referring to his Roman persecutors who would later assassinate him by beheading him to destroy the gospel that he preached and announce a different one, one reflected in the Roman Bible, to which they converted so as not to change their invading behavior at all. The successors of these evil invaders preach nonsense about the Roman empire transformed into the empire of false religion:

Those imbeciles say that they can do bad deeds but it is enough for them to say that they accept a long-haired man with the appearance of a Greek god, as their only lord and enough savior to be free from God's punishment, in turn, they affirm that if a person does righteous works but does not accept that long-haired man as his only lord and sufficient savior, he is under the wrath of God, which god? That false God must be Lucifer, indignant with those who do not worship him, but The righteous do not adore or accept any creature as sufficient savior, but only the Creator of the Universe Jehovah! Hosea 13:4 They will worship no Savior other than Jehovah.

I have been a computer programmer, I like logic, in Turbo Pascal I created a program capable of producing basic random algebra formulas, similar to the formula below. In the following document in .DOCX you can download the program code, this is proof that I am not stupid, so the conclusions of my research should be taken seriously.

If f=526.364 and v=f then v=526.364

The main conclusions of my research: The deception of the Roman empire in the Bible vs. the message of the persecuted in the time of Christ. :

Be careful, there are some clues in the Bible, but also many lies from the Roman persecutors (Daniel 12:10, Revelation 13:18, Revelation 19:20): The false prophet (the beast: 666): «The person who subscribes to any of our religions becomes a blessed of God, because all our paths are similar and lead to the same God». The righteous (he who has understanding: 777): «God only considers the righteous chosen because they are faithful (Psalms 5, Psalms 15); but it is convenient for the elect, even if it harms the false prophets who deceive some of them, that those who are still subscribed to some false religion get out of it (Revelation 18:4), because every false religion serves the idolatry, that "same god" that the false prophets say they have is profit through fraud, or through their religious images treated as idols, since they rent the spaces where the largest idols are found; or they sell the smaller idols, as when a sorcerer sells his amulets; or they work for the lives of robbers and extortionists (by opposing the death penalty by lying against Exodus 21:14, Proverbs 11:10; with a Roman lie like Matthew 5:33-44)) thereby pushing people to have their money in banks and not in cash; so that in this way the greedy bankers become richer and richer, although the price for this is the blood shed by extortionists against lenders (their small competitors), the greedy are idolaters by nature not by ignorance as is the case of the righteous who still commit that sin (Luke 16:29-31), wealthy people but endowed with a false intelligence (artificial intelligence),are firing people massively, so that robots will work in their place, true intelligence is to respect God, and he who for greed accumulates more than necessary is to an enemy of the God of peace, because out of greed tyrants slander to create wars so they can sell weapons and get rich, out of greed oppressors exploit their workers, and pimps exploit their prostitutes (Isaiah 5:8, Proverbs 1:5), out of greed the priests of Baal want to keep people wasting their time in vain processions behind idols (Jeremiah 10:3-5, Psalms 135:15-18, Habakkuk 2:18-19; Isaiah 2:8); being poor or middle class does not mean being chosen, neither being nor being rich means being condemned, to be chosen you have to be just, and no one who is unjust becomes just, and no one who is just becomes unjust (Revelation 22:11), which If it can happen, it is that the righteous leave the wrong steps committed in the shadow of their ignorance and sanctify themselves by knowing the truth (John 17:17, Isaiah 13:3, Isaiah 44:9-23, Psalms 118:17- 20, Proverbs 11:1-19, Habakkuk 2:4-20, Matthew 13:41-43); God is just, and his blessing cannot be bought with money, nor can his curse be avoided with money (Isaiah 42:10-15; Revelation 14:7; Psalms 100:5, Psalms 5:12, Proverbs 33:3, Habakkuk 2:4-20, Isaiah 42:1-17, Psalm 11:6-7).

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